One day a beautiful young girl came into my store to purchase a men's diamond ring. I immediately became smitten by her. After much deliberation she finally agreed to let me take her out on a date. She is now my beloved wife and best friend. We now have two great beautiful children and I feel I have my first store to thank for my wonderful family!

I couldn't believe my eyes; Ridgewood's biggest jeweler is leaving. Without hesitation I entered the store and asked if I may speak with the owner. Within minutes, I was able to negotiate a deal to purchase the remainder of his lease. I could not believe the opportunity that had just unfolded in front of me. One minute I'm about to be evicted and the next minute I am purchasing Ridgewood's oldest and most trusted jewelry store.
At this point I decided to keep the AJ's name that had brought me much luck and success rather than trying to cash in on the old owner's reputation. Having neither enough inventory nor the funds to purchase sufficient inventory to fill all my new showcases, I decided to go back to my jewelry roots and ask my uncle for a loan. Having seen my meteoric rise, he decided to give me merchandise instead. I will never forget his insight and generosity. Without him, I could never have built my empire. I was off to a new start!

As time went on I became familiar with the community's needs. I realized immediately that we needed to have a jeweler on the premises. Out sourcing work was no longer the way to go. People wanted their repairs done in front of them and in a timely fashion. Facing this new situation, I took immediate action. I needed to find a competent jeweler which is no easy task. We were able to find a very good jeweler, so good in fact after working with me for five years, and learning all aspects of the business, he went out on his own. Our next jeweler is proficient at nearly all aspects of jewelry repair and design. With the shop up and running at full strength we were now able to focus on other community needs.

As time went on we were able to establish a special bond of mutual trust with our clients. Being able to complete jobs on time at a reasonable price is something our clients appreciate. We service all of our clients with the utmost respect and integrity, regardless of how small or large the project. Through the years many of our clients have moved away to better their lives, but still manage to stay in touch with us. They say the same thing over and over again: "I can't find a jeweler I trust" or "Nobody does what you used to do for me." It is this new dilemma that caused me to bring my business to the next level.

Instead of leaving our loyal clients stranded, we built a web site to service all of our clients and to give new clients the opportunity to discover us. We know that if you give us a chance you will be rewarded with the highest quality, the finest service and true dedication to all your jewelry needs. We know that once you get to know us, you too will feel that you've finally found "Your Jeweler." Not only will you get the product promised to you on time you will also receive true value for your hard earned money. All custom jewelry is made on the premises so there is no middleman. All of our jewelry comes with a money back guarantee. We look forward to hearing from you soon. You won't be sorry.